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Nemesis Ahava

The AHAVA Cosmetics Company is engaged in the conversion of seabed minerals into health materials for the production of cosmetics. The company’s head offices are in Tel Aviv & California. The group was founded in 1988 by Ziva Gilad.
It should be noted that this company is a subsidiary of Fosun International Limited China, which is located in Shanghai.

Calls for Boycott

Ahava products have been targeted by the BDS movement because of their use of natural resources from the Occupied Territories.
The company also cooperates with the UAE-Israel Business Council. The UIBC is the central and largest economic organization formed in the field of UAE/Israel economic relations. The council began operations immediately after the “Abraham Accords”. Ahava is consequently part of the Israeli regime’s push to counter its growing international isolation by normalizing relations with despotic Arab regimes.

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