Ben Shapiro

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Ben Shapiro


Ben Aaron Shapiro is an American political commentator and media host, with a zealous commitment to Zionist racism. He was born in LA California to conservative Jewish parents, both of which worked at Hollywood. When only 12 years old in 1996, he performed a violin piece at a banquet hosted by Israel Bonds, an Israeli government financing initiative operating in the US.

Anti-Arab Racism

Shapiro has never been shy in expressing his support for Zionist occupation and even offending and humiliating Palestinians. “Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage. This is not a difficult issue,” serves as an example of just one of his racist and offensive statements.

“Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage. This is not a difficult issue.”

Shapiro has supported building settlements in occupied territories and has criticized a peace plan involving a two-state solution.1

In a 2007 article, Shapiro described the Palestinian Arab population as being “rotten to the core”, which only “breeds terrorism, anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism.2

Blatant Islamophobia

In 2016, he promoted an article written on the website he edits, The Daily Wire, describing Muslim presence in Europe a “disease.” Muslim men, it declared, are “uncivilized.” The article ended with a quote from Winston Churchill saying: “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!”3


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