The infamous Canary Mission is a website founded in 2014 that gathers profiles on students, activists, professors, and organizations that advocate and support Palestine in college campuses and universities of North America. Canary claims that they only compile dossiers of anti-Israel or anti-Semitic entities.
Canary Mission’s stated aim is to deny people it labels as “antisemitic” from being employed and gaining job opportunities, effectively creating a huge database of a young generation of Americans who it seeks to stigmatize for the rest of their lives over their critique of Israel.
Israel has banned people documented in Canary Mission from entering its borders.

The founders and operators of Canary mission haven’t revealed their identity and claim that “many of our detractors just want to know who we are so they can physically harm us.”
Some sources, however, claim that Daniel Pipes and David Horowitz, who have been labeled as purveyors of hate speech by certain human rights watchdogs, are the founders of Canary 1. Al Jazeera also revealed that Adam Milstein, one of the most prominent Zionist American mega-donors, is a major funding source for the Canary Mission. 2
1. https://jewishvoiceforpeace.org/against-canary-mission/
2. https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356