Carol Kornworcel

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Kornworcel is an American-Israeli woman living in Florida. She is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in international relations and politics at Brandeis University.

She is the director of Israel Insider’s Instagram page, which she says is an institution that tries to teach students the “history of Israel”. She is also administers the UAE-Israel Business Council’s (UIBC) presence on social media.

It is worth mentioning that Kornworcel is the director of social media for Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, the deputy mayor of Jerusalem, whose relationship with Fleur led her to join the Business Council.

The UIBC is the central and largest economic organization formed in the field of UAE/Israel economic relations. The council began operations immediately after the “Abraham Accords”. Kornworcel is consequently part of the Israeli regime’s push to counter its growing international isolation by normalizing relations with despotic Arab regimes.

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