Daniel Pipes is an American neoconservative historian and political commentator. He is the president of the Middle East Forum, and publisher of its Middle East Quarterly journal. This conservative think tank is focused on issues related to the Middle East and Islam.
Radical Zionist
Pipes symbolizes the more radical segment of the Israeli lobby in the US, openly denying any form of Palestinian identity in favor of his own Jewish supremacist ethnostate. He believes any privilege given to Palestinians by Israel is a sort of appeasement and that Palestinian resistance to Zionist occupation is “barbarism”. 1
In a long article written for the Commentary magazine in April 1990, Pipes argues that “there can be either an Israel or a Palestine, but not both… to those who ask why the Palestinians must be deprived of a state, the answer is simple: grant them one and you set in motion a chain of events that will lead either to its extinction or the extinction of Israel.”
Promoting Israel in a Post- 9/11 Environment
Daniel Pipes is part of cabal of Zionist Jews who have sought to use anti-Islam hysteria to promote Israeli and Zionist interests and, specifically portray Israel as a stalwart opponent to the “Islamic threat”. Pipes has frequently made controversial comments on Islam, Muslims and Arabs. He has also raised funds for other prominent Zionist anti-Islam figures such as Geert Wilders.2 His columns, along with those of a circle of affiliated Zionist writers, have appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, Commentary, Foreign Affairs, Harper’s, National Review, New Republic, Policy Review, FrontPage, Jerusalem Post and The Weekly Standard.
Campus Watch
Beyond his activities in political lobby groups and the media, Pipes has also to stifle pro-Palestine sentiment among US academia. The attempt to stifle any critique of Israel in the academic milieu can be seen complimentary to Pipes’ neo-conservative Zionist brand of Middle East studies.
Consequently, Pipes’ Middle East Forum established a website called “Campus Watch”, designed to keep an eye on Middle East studies in American universities and colleges. As usual with Zionist initiatives, Campus Watch portrays academic Middle East studies as “victimizing” Israel. The project has compiled dossiers on a number of Israel critics, prompting criticism among US academia. 3
Pipes has also defended the notorious Canary Mission project, which list profiles of American students known to criticize Israel. The effort seeks to discourage job owners from employing those listed on the site.
1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7h3i0SHy3A
3: https://www.sfgate.com/education/article/Professors-want-own-names-put-on-Mideast-2766666.php