Fernando Lottenberg is an influential Brazilian Jewish businessman and head of the Jewish Confederation of Brazil (Brazilian Israelite Confederation or CONIB) which is the main organization of the Brazilian Jewish community.1 Lottenberg, being the vice president of the World Jewish Congress, has deep ties with both Israeli and non-Israeli Zionist actors.

“Anti-Semitic!”, Typical Zionist Shenanigans
In a notable case of stigmatizing pro-Palestine voices, Lottenberg criticized Caetano Veloso a famous Brazilian singer who refused to perform again in Occupied Palestine after realizing how Palestinians are being oppressed under Zionist occupation. Lottenberg claimed that Caetano “surrendered to the anti-Semitic wave” and incited “terrorism against Jews”.2
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2: https://www.timesofisrael.com/singer-who-wont-return-to-israel-accused-of-caving-to-anti-semitism/