Hussain Abdul-Hussain

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Hussain Abdul-Hussain is an Iraqi-Lebanese columnist and write primarily working for the Zionist/Neoconservative FDD think tank funded by the Sheldon Adelson foundation. Born and raised in Beirut, Abdul-Hussain received a degree in History and Archeology from the American University of Beirut.

Promoting Israeli Nationalism, Denying Palestinian Identity

Abdul-Hussain is one of the Arab world’s small but amplified group of Zionist apologists. Similar to other current Arabic-speaking Zionist propagandists, Abdul-Hussain is currently focused on the recognition of Israel among Arab countries and the delegitimization of Palestinian nationalism. Many of his articles have been published in Zionist media, including Haaretz, Jewish policy center, The Jerusalem Post and The Times of Israel.

In one of his articles that was published in the Jewish Policy Center, he states: “In the history of the Arabs, Jerusalem never served as the seat of any dynasty and never practiced sovereignty. At best, the city served as a provincial capital. In this sense, when the Zionists looked at Ottoman Palestine, they did not see a nation-state”.

In various Jewish media, he implicitly refers to the “right of Jews” to form a government over occupied Palestinian land. In one instance, he states: “The Palestinians drew many lessons, but the only one they never seem to have learned was that Zionists created a state long before they had any land.”1


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