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The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) is a Washington, D.C.-based pro-Israeli lobby and think-tank which promotes Israeli interests in USA. It was founded in 1976 on the dubious claim that Israel’s role in US security and expansion of democracy throughout the world is very critical.

JINSA claims that it seeks to teach “leadership” on important issues of national security and foreign policy and also promote US security cooperation with “allies” such as Israel and encourage the American Jewish community to support Israel and advocate Israel’s interests in USA.1

JINSA is known to be very influential in fielding hawkish politicians which have at historic times made pivotal decisions defining US foreign policy. Former US Vice President Dick Cheney and former national security advisor John Bolton are a number of notable US politicians which have worked with JINSA.

JINSA’s main policies

JINSA’s Gemunder Center for Defense and Strategy operates as JINSA’s policy center. Opened in 2013, the Gemunder Center does research and advocates US military strategic plans with a tendency to promote Washington’s most hawkish and warlike policies. The center’s policy projects include:

  • The U.S.-Israel Security Policy Project2

The U.S.-Israel Security Policy Project tries to strengthen Washington’s security and military assistance to Israel. Retired US Navy Admiral James Stavrid heads this project.

  • The Jordan Valley Policy Project3

JINSA’s Jordan Valley Policy Project tries to strengthen Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan valley and portray it as a necessary tool for stabilizing the security of the region.

  • The Iran Policy Project4

This project tries to persuade US decision makers to continue US hostility towards Iran based on flimsy estimates claiming that Iran is seeking to become an armed nuclear power. The Co-Chairs of this project are Ambassador Eric Edelman and General Charles F. Wald, USAF (Ret.).

  • The Eastern Mediterranean Policy Project5

The Eastern Mediterranean Policy Project tries to restrain Turkey from becoming a regional power and also help the US discover new energy resources in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Co-Chairs of this project are Ambassador Eric Edelman and General Charles F. Wald, USAF (Ret.).

  • The Hybrid Warfare Policy Project6

The Hybrid Warfare Policy Project tries to propose new laws for armed conflicts and also examine how the US alliance can stop Israel’s so-called “hybrid adversaries” such as “Hamas” from endangering Tel Aviv’s regional interests.

  • The Gaza Assessment Policy Project7

The Gaza Assessment Policy Project seeks to accuse armed Palestinian groups of using Gaza’s population as human shields against Israeli brutal attacks.

  • The EMP Policy Project8

The EMP Policy Project tries to strengthen US and Israel readiness against “electromagnetic threats”. Co-Chairs of this Task Force include Ambassador Robert Joseph, former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security and Dr. Bryan Gabbard, Executive Vice President, Defense Group Inc.


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