Luke Akehurst is a British Zionist activist who is director of “We Believe in Israel”, a pro-Israel lobby and branch of BICOM, another pro-Israel lobby founded by Poju Zabludowicz. We Believe in Israel originated from a 2011 BICOM conference attended by 1500 people.1 Akehurst happens to be a non-Jew who formerly worked for the BBC and the Labour Party.2 His main focus is countering the pro-Palestine Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement in the UK. He clearly believes anti-Israel activity to be an obvious act of “anti-Semitism”.3
He had previously stated that it was ”almost my dream job to run a pro-Israel campaigning organization.”4 Akehurst defends Israel’s inhumane blockade against Gaza stating that it is necessary to stop weapon supplies to it.5
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1: https://www.jewishtelegraph.com/prof_247.html
2: https://www.webelieveinisrael.org.uk/our_team
5: https://web.archive.org/web/20150502003726/http://progressonline.org.uk/2012/11/21/rocket-science/