Marcelo Isaacson is the executive director of the Jewish Community in Chile. He was one of the main Zionist activists who encouraged Chilean president Sebastian Piñera to visit Israel – becoming the first Chilean president to visit Israel – largely aiding Zionist interests in the country.1 Isaacson believes Daniel Jadue, the leader of Chilean Communist party is an “anti-Semite” because he has pointed out that Zionist interest groups are buying media and news outlets in Chile.2 Along with the cooperation of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre – a Zionist propaganda hub – tried to urge Chilean government to ban Hezbollah and recognize it as a terrorist organization.3
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1: https://www.jns.org/top-40-latin-american-pro-israel-advocates-and-leaders/
3: https://www.wiesenthal.com/about/news/wiesenthal-center-officials-4.html