Marvin Hier

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Marvin Hier is the founder of the US-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, its “Museum of Tolerance” and of “Moriah”, the center’s film division. The Simon Wiesenthal Center is focused on Holocaust research, fighting “antisemitism” and defending Israel’s ethnic occupation of Palestinian land.
Hier is planning to build a $100 million “Museum of Tolerance and Human Dignity” in Jerusalem.

Washington’s Rabbi

Hier – a Zionist rabbi – is considered by Newsweek as the most influential rabbi in the US.1 Newsweek describes him as being “one phone call away from almost every world leader, journalist and Hollywood studio head.”2 The Daily Beast describes him as “a major player in national and world politics.”3

Marvin Hier with former Israeli President, Shimon Peres

Leading Force Behind the “Holocaust” Narrative

Hier’s Simon Wiesenthal Center has offices in the US, Canada, Israel, Europe and Argentina. Its film division has contributed widely to the proliferation of many infamous Holocaust propaganda sketches, such as “Schindler’s List”, directed by Steven Spielberg, a member of the US-based Zionist “Mega Group” affiliated with Israeli intelligence asset, Jeffery Epstein.

Endorsing Christian and Conservative Zionism

Hier has participated in fundraising events for Donald Trump and once gave an invocation at the inauguration of Donald Trump. During this invocation, he used Zionist interpretations of biblical text. He cited Psalms 137: “By the rivers of Babylon we wept as we remembered Zion. If I forget thee, Oh Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill.”4
Hier had previously accompanied then-US President, George W. Bush during his visit to Israel, commemorating the 60th anniversary of Israel’s occupation in May 2008.
Seeking to appeal to evangelical audiences and garner support for Israeli foreign policy, Hier has spread blatant disinformation about “antisemitism” in certain Middle Eastern countries.5
Adamant on endorsing Christian evangelism and philo-semitism, Hier has also sought to keep tabs on the Catholic Church. Hier has criticized Vatican cardinal, Renato Martino for saying that Gaza Strip has been turned into a concentration camp by Israel. He has also criticized the reversal of bishop Richard Williamson’s excommunication by the Vatican. Williamson is known for questioning the mainstream Holocaust narrative and is critical of Israel.






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