Sir Michael Lawrence Davis is a British Jewish politician and businessman born in South Africa. He formerly owned Xstratam, a mining company, and now owns another named X2 Resources.1 Davis is generally regarded as a major donor to Israeli causes and lobbies. He believes the Israeli ethnostate is a “miracle”.2
The Jewish Leadership Council (JLC)
Davis is one of the main donors to Israeli lobbies in the UK such as the Jewish Leadership Council (JLC) for which he was former chairman.3 JLC is one of the most important Jewish umbrella groups supporting Israel in the UK.
The Conservative Party
Davis’ influence also runs deep within the Conservative Party. He is a former party treasurer4 and has donated £500000 to the party.5
As the former chairman of another Israeli lobby in the UK called UJIA (United Jewish Israel Appeal), he organized the central London parade for Israel’s 65th birthday in 2008. He also held the “We Believe in Israel” advocacy conference in 2011. We Believe in Israel is another important Zionist lobby group in the UK.6

3: https://www.thejlc.org/sir_mick_davis_to_stand_down_as_jlc_chair