Pamela Geller is an American Zionist anti-Islam agitator. She is the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (Stop Islamization of America). AFDI is known as a “counter-Jihad”, anti-Islam and pro-Israel organization.
Geller can be described as part of cabal of Zionist Jews who have sought to use anti-Islam hysteria to promote Israeli and Zionist interests and, specifically portray Israel as a stalwart opponent to the “Islamic threat”.
Pamela Geller was born in a Jewish family.
Capitalizing on Islam/West Tensions
Geller began her career as a financial analyst in the media industry. In 2004, she initiated her own blog called “Atlas Shrugs“. Her blog gained attention in 2006, when she posted the controversial cartoons of Muslim prophet Mohammad. These cartoons were drawn by a Danish magazine.1 She was consequently praised by Caroline Glick, managing editor of The Jerusalem Post for portraying Muslims as “misogynistic terrorists”. Geller’s fame gradually grew within Zionist circles, turning her into a bulwark of anti-Islam hysteria in the United States.
Horowitz’s Atroturfed Pawn
In 2010, Geller co-founded the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) – also known as Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) – with another astroturfed counter-Jihad figure called Robert Spencer.2 Consequently, a large portion of Geller’s activities in the AFDI are funded by David Horowitz’s “Freedom Center”. The money is payed indirectly to Geller through Spencer’s Jihad Watch organization.
Using her newfound source of income, Geller expanded her activities worldwide and co-founded the “Stop Islamization of Nations” that includes Stop Islamization of America and Stop Islamization of Europe.
It should also be noted that Geller has been notably backed by David Yerushalmi, who has acted as her attorney. Like Horowitz, Daniel Pipes and Frank Gaffney, Yerushalmi is another major proponent of weaponizing anti-Islam hysteria to further Israel’s foreign policy goals in the US. Without doubt, a large portion of the financial backbone of Geller’s “grassroots” activism comes from within this circle.
Being connected to influential US-based Jewish supremacists, Geller has also been invited by various similar, but smaller, Zionist organizations such as the Toronto Zionist Center or the Jewish Defense League of Canada to give lectures regarding “Islamic anti-Semitism”.
Targeting US Conservative Voters
Geller’s activities have a recurring theme wherein conservative US sentiment is systematically instigated to paint Muslims as the main culprit of the American political and cultural decline. Israel is naturally painted as the savior.
Geller’s FDI/SIOA has paid for ads on the transit systems of New York City, Washington, D. C., and San Francisco. The ads read “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.”3 Another ad showed a man in a keffiyah (a Palestinian scarf symbolizing resistance), with the text: “Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah. That’s His Jihad. What’s yours?” Geller has called on Israel to “stand loud and proud. Give up nothing. Turn over not a pebble. For every rocket fired, drop a MOAB (The most destructive non-nuclear weapon). Take back Gaza. Secure Judea and Samaria. Stop buying Haaretz. Throw leftists bums out,”.4
In one notable instance where Geller sought to influence conservative US voter base, she helped widely popularize the claim that then-US President Barak Obama is a “Muslim infiltrator and secret agent”.5
1,2: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/10/nyregion/10geller.html?pagewanted=all
3: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/anti-muslim-subway-posters-nypd-increase-security_n_1912239